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Graphmatech and Steelhead Composites have announced a collaboration on the development and production of a new high performance type IV pressure vessel liner. Expected improvements include reduced hydrogen leakage and increased resistance to extreme thermal and pressure conditions.
Plastic Omnium has secured French state funding support to build Europe’s largest hydrogen vessel factory, while Vancouver-based First Hydrogen said it is considering investments in Europe’s commercial hydrogen vehicle sector.
Plastic Omnium has signed new contracts with Stellant
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. (GA-ASI) is working with long-time collaborator Conflux Technology on the design and manufacture of a new Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE) for the MQ-9B. GA-ASI is developing this enhanced thermal solution for its MQ-9B SkyGuardian and SeaGuardian remote
What may look like a calm and still ocean from shore is anything but. From the magical song of whales to the clicking of dolphins and chattering of crustaceans, the sea hosts a symphony of sounds.
Here animals use sound to communicate, navigate, find mates or prey. Sound is essential fo
Over the past decade, ionic liquids have come to the attention of a wider audience. Meanwhile, related research focused on ionic liquids grows daily. In response to the increasing demand for these chemicals, Alfa Chemistry recently announced the launch o
It is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 6. 2% from 2022 to 2028. The automotive charge air cooler market consists of companies (organizations, retailers, and partnerships) selling automotive charge air cooler products designed to cool heated air from superchargers or turbochargers.
New York
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will receive comments until September 12 on a new proposal under its Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program to list HFO-1234yf, HFC-32 and HFO blends as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for new chiller equipment, which includes r
On its journey toward certification, the world’s first all-electric commuter aircraft takes flight, launches a new chapter in aviation.
Parker Aerospace congratulates Eviation on the historic first flight of Alice, the world’s first all-electric commuter aircraft (Photo: Busine
Pressure Vessel Composite Materials report aims to facilitate business growth with in-depth understanding of business fundamentals including current growth, key trends, drivers, cost-analysis, future projections, and key segments. The report will provide a thorough analysis of each segment in